Of mice and men by John Steinback
I finally read ‘Of Mice and Men’. I found John Steinback very good at explaining complicated things and emotions in a simple way.
Warning: spoiler ahead
It’s a story of two friends, George and Lennie- workers who drift from one ranch to another in search of work. They dream of having a place of their own some day where Lennie plans to raise rabbits and tend them. There lies the problem. Lenny is very strong physically but is very simple-minded. He ends up killing rats when he tries to tend them. The story concludes with one friend ending up in killing other.
Both characters in the story are quite convincing: Lenny who always dreams of tending rabbits, pups and mice keeps on forgetting thing told to him by his sincere friend George who can smell trouble from a distance. Goerge likes Lennie for his simplicity and his huge physical strength.
Worth a read....
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